6 Of 2018’s Hottest Kitchen Trends And What They Cost


Though trends in home design move much slower than those in fashion, every year brings something new. If you’re considering a full-on kitchen remodel or even just a small update, the March 2018 issue of Money lays out the 6 hottest kitchen trends for 2018 and breaks down the cost of each one. The news comes from two reports, the Zillow Home Trend Forecast and The Trulia Design Panel.The trends, which range in cost from high (replacing your granite countertops with marble or quartz, a project that will run from $3,480 to $6,580) to low (swapping out your dust-gathering bar cart for a welcoming and well-trafficked coffee cart, a move that can cost as little as $40 to upwards of $470, or moving your succulents and cacti over to make way for a lush and leafy fiddle-leaf fig or palm plant), cite the end of the dominance of the stark white modern kitchen. It looks like the fashion in kitchens is leaning us towards something warmer and more welcoming. Ideal for a room that’s known as “the heart of the home”.

Of course, the trend that caught our eye is the suggestion to add more color to the all white kitchen. The easiest way to do that? Why with Granada Tiles cement tiles, of course! We loved that they used a photo (from the print magazine, above left) of the amazing Granada Tile patchwork kitchen nook that made an appearance on both Houzz and in Apartment Therapy. While patchwork may not be for everyone, we’re sure we’ve got a cement tile design that will speak to you. Whether your style veers towards modern, traditional or something in between, we’ve got a tile pattern that will suit your style. Add a bit of color with Granada Tile’s encaustic tiles with a simple concentrated backsplash over your stove. Extend them to cover a wall or lay a floor of Granada Tile’s concrete tiles across your kitchen.



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