Breaking News: Custom Normandy for a Chic Chicago Kitchen


Longtime readers of Granada Tile‘s Cement Tile Blog will know that we take great pride in the custom options we offer our customers. Take one look at our Share Designs page, and you’ll see all sorts of cement tile-philes experimenting with palettes to create unique, highly personal concrete tile designs. You can imagine how pleased we were to receive tile photos from one of our clients—sharing a kitchen tile installation in Chicago featuring our Normandy tile design in a custom palette. If you love Normandy, from our Echo Collection, you can generally order it as part of our in-stock cement tile program. Available in gray and white, it’s a great tile design that takes a traditional pattern and pares it down to create something at once classic and modern. It’s exactly these qualities that make it fit so well into the Chicago kitchen—with its blend of classic and contemporary elements, the space requires a tile design that bridges the gap.

The room’s palette is fresh and contemporary—bright white for the cabinets and a warm gray shade for the walls, along with blonde wood for the floors. A pair of simple pendant light fixtures don’t overpower the space. The stone countertops are sleek and neutral, and the stainless steel appliances gleam, and the cabinets themselves have a classic feel. Into this space, the cement tile brings a warm, fun infusion of color and pattern. A bright blue defines much of the concrete tile design with splashes of yellow and black adding another layer of visual zip. It’s just complex enough to bring energy to the kitchen but not so busy that it becomes a distraction—striking just the right balance. Interested in doing a cement tile installation in a custom color combination. Start by visiting our interactive Echo Collection catalogue. Find the tile design that strikes your fancy and begin experimenting with different shades and hues. Also, dont’ forget to visit our Share Designs site, where you can get inspiration and see what other custom ideas our clients have conjured up!


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