Architect Barbara Bestor, profiled in our previous post, recently spoke at LA’s Creative Mornings, a monthly free breakfast lecture series (there’s probably one taking place this month in your city!). Watch for her discussion about the design for Intelligensia’s Silver Lake outpost (that’s a shot of it, featuring our Fez cement tile) manifests her belief that “everyone should experience strange beauty every day”. It takes place starting at about 1:10 (though if you have 20 minutes, it’s worth listening to the whole talk). Watch it here: Barbara Bestor: Color and Los Angeles
The same qualities that made our cement tiles a perfect choice for a hardworking restaurant space like Los Angeles coffee shop Intelligensia — in addition to their beautiful designs and vivid colors, our concrete tiles are long lasting, easy care and low maintenance — make it perfect for your home, whether used as floor tile or wall tile. Call us today at 213-482-8070 to discuss which of our encaustic tile designs would be perfect for your home or restaurant project.