Installation Equation: Cement Tile Brings Personality to a Basic Bathroom

Cement Tiles, Encaustic Tiles

Newer homes have a lot going for them. For starters, things are pretty much fresh out of the box, so the vagaries owners of older places face (dying appliances, expensive repairs, and the like) are much less likely to confront the owner of a new build. The trade off comes If you happen to buy a home in a planned development—a lot of the design decisions are taken out of our your hands. Thing is, with just a few tweaks here and there, you can inject a whole lot of personality into your surroundings, turning something on the bland side into something phenomenal. You can add tile to a kitchen back splash, say, or as in the case of one of Granada Tile‘s clients, you can try a new cement tile installation on your bathroom floor.

For her bathroom remodel in her self-described tract home in San Clemente, California, our client Paula Sanchez wanted to do something that would inject a dose of personality into the space. Enter Granada Tile. Paula chose our Normandy cement tile, bringing a dash of pattern into an otherwise run of the mill room. It plays well with the simplicity of the rest of her design choices there. As she wrote to us, “The Normandy tile is simply stunning! It completely transforms my tract home bathroom.” We love it when we hear news like that! If you’re thinking Normandy for your own tile installation, we love it for its great versatility, design-wise. We think it takes that classic quatrefoil motif found in our Cluny design and pares it down, giving it a crisp modern edge. And, if you love Paula’s take on the concrete tile, we just so happen to carry that cement tile design in stock. If you’re interested in ramping up the color quotient, though, you can try out different combinations of hues using our interactive catalogue.


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