Installation Equation: A Cement Tile Patchwork in Beverly Hills

At Go Greek in Beverly Hills, the entrance beckons yogurt lovers with a threshold featuring a bold patchwork of cement tiles, the work of design firm ModMan. Image, ModMan

Over the last couple of months, we’ve seen some outstanding cement tile installations featuring patchwork designs from Granada Tile. Our clients, not content to limit themselves to a single concrete tile design, instead have enlivened their endeavors using multiple patterns. The result is a fun, bold, totally unique tile installation. Now you can add another great patchwork cement tile project to the list. This time, it can be found in Beverly Hills, at Go Greek, a new yogurt shop in Beverly Hills featuring, you guessed it, Greek yogurt. To set the scene, though, you have to know a little about Go Greek, because, for the yogurt lovers among us, this place is amazing. The yogurt is flown in fresh from Greece, while many of the the mix-ins come from local farms. Choose from classic Greek yogurt or chill things out and pick frozen yogurt. Pick a classic combo of yogurt and honey or go bold with a parfait—and it’s all served in terra-cotta pots, also hailing from Greece, which can be reused in myriad ways.

Or course, as much as we love yogurt, we wouldn’t be telling you about Go Greek if not for its really amazing use of cement tile. You get your first hint of it at the entrance, which is paved in a patchwork of concrete tile. Once inside, there’s even more sensational cement tile covering the service counter. Design firm ModMan went for a fun and creative concrete tile installation, using a patchwork of cement tiles in various patterns (Fez, Alicante, Catarina, Serengeti, Torino and Boulder all make appearances), but stuck to a palette of blues, white and black that immediately conjures up the crisp hues found in Greek design. Set against the marble floor and rustic wood tables, the concrete tiles set the stage for honest ingredients.

The service counter at Go Greek also features a bold patchwork cement tile installation that plays off the blue-painted ceiling. Image, ModMan.

If you happen to be in Beverly Hills, be sure to visit Go Greek—from some yogurt and some tile peeping. Maybe it will give you some tile inspiration for your next project!


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