Picking the perfect spa tile for your establishment can be made easy when looking at Granada Tile for your design choices. Thanks to the numerous options spa tiles provide, setting a relaxing environment for your patrons can be achieved with the many different collections we have on hand. Whether you are looking for subtle, smoky tones or warm, temperate colors to sooth your clientele, your imagined space will be realized with our durable and water resistant spa cement tiles. The mood will be set with the aesthetics provided by Granada Tile.
When choosing tiles to design your spa, cement tiles are one of the best options due to their durability and water resistance. When properly sealed and maintained, you will have a beautifully designed and long-lasting spa tile.
Not only that, but concrete tile is one of the most environmentally friendly options to design your spa space. You will be able to relax knowing that you haven’t negatively impacted the environment, lending a greater calm to the overall space—and your clientele.
If your spa is located in a beachside resort town, the Echo Collection’s Boston spa tiles creates the perfect mood for your establishment: the sky blue will remind your guests of relaxing waves, while the white will remind them of soft clouds. If you are looking to design ultimate serenity and tranquility, try using the Normandy tile for you spa floor tile. The subtle tones provide calmness, allowing your guests to be free from agitation or excitement, transcending your space into the ultimate state of peace. Another way to transcend your space into the ultimately designed spa is using Alhambra tile from the Echo Collection. By customizing the colors, you can create an elegance beyond compare. These beautiful tiles lend luxury to the surrounding space, especially when matched with the Arabesque Mauresque Tile collection as the spa wall tiles.
Another option for tilling your spa is Granada Tile’s Milano Collection. Our Milano Collection of thin terrazzo cement tile is mixed with color pigments and encrusted with a variety of sized marble pieces, from tiny to large, bringing you all of the elegance you deserve. This tile can come in either your choice of polished and anti-slip surfaces. The durable, polished surface is perfect for spa wall tiles while the anti-slip surface is ideal for spa floor tiles. Regardless of where the Milano Collection is used, your spa will capture the grandeur and majesty of the La Scala.
You can also opt for the Corsica design, its geometric pattern adding order and symmetry to your spa space. This geometry is sure to relax your guests as they come to decompress from a stressful day. If you are looking for something more fluid and floral, the Segovia will give your spa floor tiles the perfect wave of carefree nonchalance. A perfectly French Provençal inspiration can be found in the St. Tropez which will give your spa a Mediterranean mood and transport your guests to the perfect relaxation that can only be found in a small French seaside town. Finally, you can evoke the exotic enchantment with the Echo Collection’s Fez tile. This pattern will immediately transport you to the mysterious markets and hidden treasures of the North African city.
It’s important to make the proper design choices when designing your spa space. You want to make sure that you choose the proper pigment colors and shapes to set the mood you want your guests to experience when they come to your business.
Not only are our tiles available in a variety of colors, shapes and designs, they are low maintenance, long lasting and easy to care for, making it them the perfect choice for your spa tile. You can use our tiles to outfit your lobby, rooms or walls to set the perfect mood for your spa. Whether you need spa floor tiles or spa wall tiles, Granada Tile has your ideal choice. Whatever you choice for spa tiles, look throughout Granada Tile’s catalogue for your design inspiration.